

Insufferable Tools (forthcoming 2025 with Duke University Press).

Re-Understanding Media: Feminist Extensions of Marshall McLuhan coedited volume with Rianka Singh, Duke University Press, 2022.

*** Reviewed in Leonardo Reviews; Communication Review; International Journal of Communication; Civics of Technology

In the Meantime: Temporality and Cultural Politics, Duke University Press, 2014.

***Reviewed in Cultural Studies; Media, Culture, and Society; Society and Space; Spectra; Institute of Network Cultures (Amsterdam); Itineration: Cross-Disciplinary Journal of Media and Rhetoric (video review); International Journal of Communication; Cultural Studies Review; ILR Review: Work and Policy; Canadian Journal of Communication

***Recipient of the 2014 National Communication Association Critical/Cultural Book of the Year Award

*** Translated into Korean and published with a new preface by LP Press in conjunction with Academy of Mobility Humanities, Seoul, 2022

Selected Articles & Book Chapters

“Reflections on a Feminist Medium is the Message and Response to Toko Tanaka” Aoyama Journal of Cultural and Creative Studies, 23 (Vol. 15, No. 1, March 2024, p 1-11).  *published in Japanese

“Undisciplined Time Studies”, Time and Society, 2022, 31.1

“Staying Power” In Pepita Hesselberth and Joost deBloois The Politics of Withdrawal (Rowman and Littlefield, 2021)

“Beyond Behaviourism and Black Boxes: The Future of Media Theory Interview with Wendy Chun, Warren Sack, and Sarah Sharma” in Megan Boler & Elizabeth Davis Affective Politics of Digital Media: Propaganda by Other Means (Routledge, 2020)

“A Manifesto for the Broken Machine”, Camera Obscura (September 2020, 35.2)

“Many McLuhans or None at All Introduction to Special Issue” in Canadian Journal of Communication December 2019, 44.4 (Special Journal Issue)

“Platform Uncommons”, with Rianka Singh in Feminist Media Studies, 2019, 19.2, DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2019.1573547

“The Way of the Social Injustice Warrior” https://journal.hkw.de/en/the-way-of-the-social-injustice-warrior/ 100 Years of Now, HKW, Berlin (2019)

“Going to Work in Mommy’s Basement”Boston Review, June 19, 2018.

“Time to Care Less” in Sarah Murray and Jeremy Morris (ed) Appified (University of Michigan Press, 2018)

“Exit and the Extensions of Man” Transmediale Online Journal https://transmediale.de/content/exit-and-the-extensions-of-man April 2017

“Checked Baggage: An Afterword for Time and Globalization” in Time and Globalization edited by O’Brien, Susie and Tony Porter et al (Routledge: New York 2017)

“Temporality” in Laurie Ouellette and Jonathan Gray’s Keywords in Media Studies (New York: NY University Press, 2017)

“The Speed Trap: Of Taxis, Truck Stops and TaskRabbits” in Societies of Speed edited by Judy Wajcman and Nigel Dodd (Oxford University Press, 2017)

“Seizing Time and Ceasing Fire: Race and Mobility on the LA Gang Tour” co-authored with Armond Towns,Transfers Journal of Mobility Studies, Vol 6, Issue 1, March 2016.

“Because the Night Belongs to Lovers: Occupy and the Time of Precarity” Communication and Critical Cultural Studies Vol. 11, Nos. 1, 2014.

“Critical Time”, Communication and Critical Cultural Studies, Vol. 10, Nos. 2-3, June-September 2013.

“It Changes Space and Time: Introducing Power-Chronography” in Jeremy Packer and Steve Wiley (eds)Communication Matters: Materialities, Infrastructure, and Flows Routledge, 2012.

“The Biopolitical Economy of Time” Special Issue on Autonomism and Communication: Ten Years after Empire in Journal of Communication Inquiry, Oct 2011.

“PostFeminism Galore:  The Bond Girl as Weapon of Mass Consumption” (with Jeremy Packer) in Jeremy Packer’s Secret Agents: Popular Icons beyond James Bond (ed) Peter Lang: 2009.

“Taxicab Publics and the Production of Brown Space after 9/11”, Cultural Studies Vol. 24, No. 2 March 2010.

“The Great American Staycation and the Risk of Stillness” M/C Journal of Media and Culture 12 (1) March 2009.

“Baring Life and Lifestyle in the Non-Place” Cultural Studies, Volume 23 Issue 1, Jan 2009.

“Taxis as Media:  A Temporal Materialist Reading of the Taxicab” Social Identities:  Journal of Race, Nation, and Culture 14.4 July 2008.

“Jean Baudrillard at the Edge of the Technological Dynamo” Communication and Critical Cultural Studies, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2008.

Creative/Other Writing

“McLuhan unter Palmen Über Orte des Denkens, Sprechens und Handelns” Sarah Sharma, Johannes Bruder and Nelly Y. Pinkrah in Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, April 2022

“Ghosts, Traces, Labor” A Conversation with Shelagh Keeley in Traces of Labor: Shelagh Keeley, Power Plant Books 15

“The Techno-Logics of Digital Islamophobia: A Preface” Islamophobia Studies Journal 6.1 (Spring 2021)

“I’m Not Looking for a Singular Conception of Time: An Interview with Sarah Sharma” in Mediating Time (Rowman and Littlefield, 2019)

“Going to Work in Mommy’s Basement”Boston Review, June 19, 2018.

“Selfie-Care and the Uncommons” Greig de Peuter and Christine Shaw (ed) Take, Care Letters and Handshakes/Blackwood Gallery, 2018.

“Students Uncover the Links Between Cities and Digital Space at the McLuhan Centre”, April 7 2017.

“Dear Megabyte: A letter from Mommy and Big Data” in From Dada to Data: The Dataist Manifesto, Museum of the Moving Image Magazine, March 2017.